Downy Parfum Collection – Lasts longer than expensive fine fragrances

Parfum collection

It’s a smelly fact: You start the day wearing fresh clothes, but as the hours go on, the odors pile on, and that once-fresh outfit, well, stinks. That’s just the way it is—or is it? When you treat your laundry to Downy Protect & Refresh Liquid Fabric Conditioner and Fresh Protect In-Wash Odor Shield Scent […]

Comfort Fabric Conditioner In Vietnam

Comfort fabric conditioner

Comfort Fabric Conditioner In Vietnam Comfort fabric conditioner is a trademark of Unilever Cosmetics Group. Comfort baby sensitive skin concentrated fabric conditioner using after washing clothes is used to soften fabrics and fragrance longer than other laundry soap products. The number one brand of fabric softener is Comfort, used by millions of women on the […]

The Competition Between CocaCola And PepsiCo

Coca Cola And PepsiCo

The Competition Between Coca Cola And PepsiCo Coca Cola and PepsiCo are the two largest corporations in the non-alcoholic beverage industry. Coca-Cola has a market capitalization of $ 186 billion and PepsiCo’s $ 147 billion. Coca Cola focuses on beverage production while PepsiCo sells both beverages (Pepsi soft drink 330ml) and food. For centuries, people have […]